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Recycle With Us
[email protected] | 760.798.0544
1. Business name:
2. Please provide your name and contact (full name please):
3. Address:
4. What types of equipment would you like us to pickup? Please provide detailed amounts of each item.:
5. Will you require Certified Data Destruction for your hard drives?: —Please choose an option—YesNo
6. Can a large truck (26 ft long x 13.5 ft tall) drive up to your home or business?: —Please choose an option—YesNo
7. If business, what are your hours of operation?:
8. If home or business is located in a 2 story or more building, is there access to an elevator?: —Please choose an option—YesNo
9. Are there any special instructions for our team when arriving?:
10. Do you prefer a shipping option? yesno